At Simcox Brokers we work with landlords, property developers and commercial property owners.
We can arrange tailored insurance for small and large property portfolios. We have particular expertise in arranging insurance for the more challenging property types such as properties which are unoccupied, undergoing building works, in high flood risk areas, are used for multiple purposes, are of non-standard construction, are listed or have had previous claims.
Our expert brokers have access to a range of leading specialist insurers to cover even the most complex of properties with comprehensive protection to cover the following:
• Buildings
• Contents
• Property Owners Liability
• Employers Liability
• Loss of Rent
• Legal Expenses
• Terrorism
• Personal Accident
Subject to criteria, we can also provide our clients with access to a range of specialist services which include:
FREE Health & Safety resources
Risk Management Surveys
Building Insurance Valuation Service
Loss Recovery